Facebook still leads the Social Media Charts

Source: internetlivestats.com

Social media is the new market place. Creating business profiles and pages in social networking websites will create your social media presence. The benefit of having social media presence is increased brand loyalty and recognition, higher conversion rates and better rankings.

Ensure you have created your business profiles and pages at Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Additionally you can also create profiles & pages at Pinterest, Instagram, Slideshare, YouTube, Foursquare, etc., and you should update these pages often.

As on today’s date Facebook still leads the charts at 1.4 billion users followed by Whatsapp (at 700 million) and LinkedIn (at 347 million).

Though Pinterest does not show case in the top list. Over last 1 year it has become one of the most active images sharing social network. Women are very much active on Pinterest. They form 80% of total user base and 92% of posts made on pinterest.

It is inevitable for foodies to share their photos to Instagram. It is likely that you would have been #tagged either with the menu or the venue or the dish or ambience.

Twitter is a quick and easy way for your restaurant to update users with daily specials, contests, promotions, recipes etc., Also since twitter is interconnected with all other social networks, you can just post once on twitter and it gets updated to other social networks automatically. However twitter is loosing steam currently because of it’s frequent changes in it’s top management.

Google search engine always gives very high priority to profiles having Google+ accounts. The posts are also listed as part of the search engine results. Hence having a presence is mandatory.

While there are various options you will have to decide how much active you should be in what networks. If your business is B2B, then Linkedin plays a big role. But if you are a B2C business then facebook, twitter and google+ would be a great choice. However even though you might be a B2C Business, but if your customers are HNIs, CXOs, etc., then LinkedIn still play a good role in acquiring your customers.

Decide which network you want to be active and based on that share valuable and good content that can be appreciated by your target audience. You can make the best use of social campaigns in all these social media websites to connect to new customers or leverage the benefit of influencers who can help you reach faster.