The C.I.D.E.R Process

“A C.I.D.E.R a day, keeps the bad reputation away” – SATISH KOTA


In reputation management, a C.I.D.E.R process is a division or a methodology of building a reputation by use of distinct phases (or stages or cycles) containing various activities with the intent of better planning and management. It is generally considered as one of the types of reputation building processes. The methodology includes specific stages and deliverable that are executed step by step to ensure the business have optimum information about their customer and their happiness quotient. This gives them a chance to develop the business according to demand. The different stages or deliverable in building reputation are Collection, Identification, Display, Engagement and Reach-out which are abbreviated to form the C.I.D.E.R process

CIDER Process

Origin of the Process

The C.I.D.E.R process was introduced to protect businesses from the deadly disease of bad reputation. It is like an Apple Cider more commonly known as Cider (fermented alcoholic beverage made out of apples) which protects you from heart disease and cancer.

Though the concept and the process existed as earlier as 2012, it was first coined by SATISH KOTA in his book “The Reputation Builder”. The main intention of the process is to help businesses to build and improve their reputation using a strategy based approach. The well thought process was first used and tested successfully in the Revbay software, where the software aligns itself to the process in such a way that it provides maximum visibility for a business to build their brand and improve their reputation.


The Process

Customer feedback is paramount to identify a customer’s needs and tastes, mainly when a business presents new products or services. It helps you to decide what is important for the customers. Nowadays giving attention to your customers, responding to them, taking an idea from them will definitely add credibility in your favour. Competition is everywhere and to perform very well, you need a good customer feedback process.
The different phases of the process are

  • COLLECTION: A 360 degree Collection of feedback, reviews and testimonials from your clients via different media (both offline and online)
  • IDENTIFICATION: Find out the Happiness quotient from the collected information and identify areas of improvement in your business. You also identify information of the customer’s presence and reach.
  • DISPLAY: Showcase to the world. Let the world know that you do a good job. This is necessary as most of the times you will find only negativity lurking around in the internet defaming the business, but with showcasing the good activities that you do, you can neutralize the same and build a better brand. Consistency in displaying information across different channels is a way to build a better trust.
  • ENGAGEMENT: Engaging with your customers is most important to understand the current demand of the society. It will also show that you consider your customers’ review seriously and will give an impression that you are ready to change as well.
  • REACH-OUT: Reach helps you to generate more business from the existing ones. It is not only from the perspective of customers coming back, but helping you gain more customers. Reach out to make new connection i.e. lead generation and converting those prospects to your customers. Having number of positive reviews on website will build trust.

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C.I.D.E.R process though might look like some tough task, it can be easily executed with the support of many tools, techniques and systems. The C.I.D.E.R process can help you to Create & Introduce any product or service Developed by you and decrease the Efforts in Reaching out to new customers