Online Competition Assessment for Real Estate Industry – Sample Report
India’s Real Estate industry has become very competitive and With 863 Million Sqft of unsold Real estate, each and every real estate company are investing a lot on the Internet to get hold of that buyer. Hence to achieve a better competitive advantage, there is a need to build a better reputation. A company having better reputation sells well.
Hence there is a need for businesses to identify the presence and reputation of not only their business but also that of their competitors and strain to be better in the online space. ReputationXL helps businesses to do an assessment and identify their presence in 10 evaluation areas along with identifying them against their competitor’s presence. This report shall help businesses to identify gaps in their internet presence and prioritize where they should spend to create a better presence.
If you need any more information about the report or if you would like to implement them for your businesses, do contact us at You can download the sample report below.
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