Online Reputation Assessment for Restaurant Industry – Sample Report
People who visit restaurants use Internet not only to get to know which restaurants are good, but also to read reviews about the restaurant and decide if they would like to visit or not. With availability of many Restaurant guide websites, It becomes important for restaurants to have a better presence and reputation in the internet.
For these businesses having a website might not matter, but having a social media presence or presence in search engines, business listing websites, industry listing websites, review & rating websites becomes far more important
In order to build an online presence and reputation, the business should first evaluate their presence in the online space. ReputationXL helps businesses to do an assessment and identify their presence in 10 evaluation areas. This report shall help businesses to identify gaps in their internet presence and prioritize where they should spend to create a better presence.
If you need any more information about the report or if you would like to implement them for your businesses, do contact us at You can download the sample report below.
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